15 Facebook Groups I Use For Research

When I was in high school, my English teachers taught me to use the library’s card catalog, the Dewey Decimal System, and 3X5 cards as tools in my research. (Pause here to fondly recall the A- I received on my paper about George Armstrong Custer.)

Nowadays, I use tools such as Google Scholar, Zotero, and social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook.


Yes, Facebook. people forget that Facebook can also be used as a search engine. Not only that, you can find many groups of people with shared interests and who may actually know more than you about a particular topic (I’m looking at you, folks that know the different variations of the F4U Corsair or can recognize the different Essex-Class carriers on sight).

I’ve learned a great deal about the USS Franklin and the Pacific Theater of World War II by joining these groups. If you are on Facebook and interested in various topics related to WWII in the Pacific, then you might find these groups informative. These are in no particular order, other than how Facebooks lists them for me.

Photo of the USS Franklin off the port bow, May 4, 1944
May 4, 1944 USS Franklin CV-13

Groups Related To The USS Franklin

  1. Survivors, Family, and Friends of the USS Franklin CV-13
  2. Remember USS Franklin March 19th 1945
  3. USS Franklin CV-13

World War II-Era Carriers

  1. USN Essex Class Carriers
  2. USS Hornet CV-8 Stephen Juricka, the Franklin’s navigator served on the Hornet during the Doolittle raid, the Battle of Midway, and was on her when she was sunk in the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands.
  3. USS Bunker Hill CV-17 She experienced similar damage to the Franklin after being struck by a kamikaze in May 1945.
  4. USS Yorktown CV-10
  5. USS Lexington (CV/CVA/CVS/CVT/AVT-16 Heavily modified and given an angled flight deck after WWII, she served through the Vietnam era. Most of the posts are about her service in more recent days by those who served on her.

Aviation in World War II

  1. F4U “Whistling Death” The Marines flew F4*’s aboard the Franklin
  2. The Aerial War In The Pacific Theatre

Pacific Theater General Interest

  1. The Pacific Theater 1941-1945
  2. Warships of World War II Pacific Theater
  3. Pacific Theater of WWII
  4. Battles of the Pacific Theater-World War II
  5. Museumships Great for planning sight seeing trips to various ships, mostly WWII.

Being passionate about history, these are just a few of the many history-related Facebook groups I’m in. If you’d like some recommendations about others, feel free to use the contact form to ask.

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