USS Franklin Timeline

USS Franklin May 4 1944
USS Franklin CV-13 Moored at Norfolk Navy Yard prior to departure to the Pacific

The USS Franklin (CV-13) played a key role in the operations of Task Force 58 during the march across the Central Pacific. If ever there was a gallant ship, she was one. Here is a timeline, courtesy of the book, “USS Franklin (CV-13) Original Documents 1943-1946.” pp. 76-77 (Courtesy of Don Price)

7-Dec-42 Keel laid Newport News

14-Oct-43 Launched

31-Jan-44 Commissioned

20-Mar-44 Shakedown cruise started

5-May-44 Departed Norfolk for W. Coast

11-May-44 Transited Panama Canal

19-May-44 Arrived San Diego

1-Jun-44 Departed San Diego

7-Jun-44 Arrived Pearl Harbor

16-Jun-44 Departed Pearl Harbor

23-Jun-44 Crossed International Dateline

1 Star Marianas Operation

3-4-July Strikes against Iwo, Haha, and Chichi Jima

6-22-July-44 Invasion of Guam and other strikes

25-27-July-44 Strikes against Palau, Yap, Ulithi

1-Star Western Caroline Islands Operation

31-Aug-2-Sept-44 Strikes against Iwo and Chichi Jima 6-8

Sept-44 Strikes against Yap and Ulithi

10-16-Sept Inv. Support of Peleliu, Anguar Islands, Palau Islands

20-Sep-44 Crossed Equator

1-Star Leyte (Philippines) Operations

10-Oct-44 Strikes against Okinawa Jima, Nansei Shoto

11-Oct Strikes against Aparri, Luzon, Philippines Islands

12-13-Oct-44 Strikes against Tainan, Island of Formosa

14-19-Oct-44 Strikes against Aparri, Lagaspi, and Manila

20-Oct-44 Invasion support of Leyte

22-23-Oct-44 Strikes in Manila area

24-25 -Oct-44 Battle of Leyte Gulf

27-30 Oct Support of ground troops on Leyte

30-Oct-44 Extensively Damaged east of Samar Island

2-Nov-44 Arrived Ulithi, enroute to Pearl, 

7-Nov Gehres takes command 11-Nov Departed Ulithi

21-Nov-44 Arrived Pearl Harbor

27-Nov-44-2Feb-45 Under repair at Bremerton

4-Feb-45 Arrived San Francisco

7-Feb-45 Departed San Francisco

13-Feb-45 Arrived Pearl Harbor

13-Feb-45 Departed Pearl Harbor

6-Mar-45 Crossed International Dateline

13-Mar-45 Arrived Ulithi

1 Star Okinawa Gunto Operation

18-19-Mar-45 Operations against Kyushu, Shikoku, Japan

19-Mar-45 Bomb attack 24-Mar-45

Arrived Ulithi ? Departed Ulithi

1-Apr-45 Crossed International Dateline

3-Apr-45 Arrived Pearl Harbor

10-Apr Departed Pearl Harbor

20-Apr Transited Panama Canal

28-Apr-45 Arrived Brooklyn Navy Yard

17-May-45 Awards Ceremony

30-Jun-45 Captain Hale relieves Gehres

17-Feb-47 Laid Up

1966 Stricken from Navy Register


  1. […] From July to October 1944, Franklin flew sortie after sortie against Iwo Jima and her sister islands, Guam, Yap, Ulithi, and other islands earning three battle stars. In October, she was a part of Task Force 38 commanded by Admiral William Halsey, and took part in supporting the Invasion of the Philippines. At that point in the war, the Japanese military was facing severe shortages of men and materiel. IJN Captain Eiichiro Jyo, commanding the light carrier Chiyoda, suggested that Admiral Ozawa immediately organize special attack squadrons to carry out “crash-dive” tactics against the US fleet. Admiral Ozawa rejected the idea. But soon thereafter Admiral Takijiro Onishi, who was about to take command of land-based air assets in the Philippines, began developing plans for these squadrons.8 The admiral supported the use of kamikaze squadrons because he believed it would take eight bombers escorted by 16 fighters to sink one carrier while one to three kamikazes could accomplish the same goal.9 […]

  2. […] Ben and her crew arrived in the Pacific Theater in July 1944. By 20 September, she had seen a great deal of action in the short time she had been there. She […]

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