USS Franklin Deck Log 18 March 1945-The Battle Begins

The mission for Task Group 58.2 on 18 March was to attack aircraft, airfields, and aircraft installations at KOGOSHIMA, IZUNI, MIYAKONOJO and other locations in the area specified for this group by Commander Task Force 58 in his operation order 2-45.1

18 March 1945 deck log of USS FRANKLIN showing crusing disposition and ship's status. Natioal Archives Box 3665 P118-A1. Author photo
18 March 1945 deck log of USS FRANKLIN showing cruising disposition and ship’s status. National Archives Box 3665 P118-A1. Author photo

18 March Deck Log The Mid Watch 0400-0800

The Japanese made the first probing attacks on Task Force 58 well before dawn on 18 March, but Franklin’s task group was not involved. During the Mid Watch, Lieutenant E. B. Rodgers recorded that the ship was “at torpedo defense with material condition ZEBRA set.2
At 0309, a bogie was reported at 260 degrees and closing. It was either identified as friendly or left the area as the ship went to readiness condition III at 0358.

Title Page for a report named, "Action Report Commander Task Group 58.2 Period 14 March to 24 March 1945." The page has been rubber stamped several times. One showing the report, formerly classified, secret, has been declassified. Another gives what appears to be a filing code.
Title Page for “Action Report Commander Task Group 58.2 Period 14 March to 24 March 1945.” National Archives Record Group 38 Box 222. Photo by Author

At 1014, the second deck strike was launched during the Forenoon Watch. Planes from USS Hancock joined Franklin in attacking Izumi Airfield. One fighter was lost to anti-aircraft fire.
Franklin launched another strike at 1415. Pilots reported destroying one aircraft on the ground at Izumi and damaging two locomotives north of Kagoshima. Meanwhile, the Japanese pressed their attacks against the Task Force.
Flight operations ceased at 1815, but the Japanese continually probed the task force’s defenses, bringing the ship to general quarters numerous times during the night.


  1. Action Report Task Force 58.2 14 March to 24 March 1945, National Archives Box 222 Part II p 7
  2. 18 March 1945 USS Franklin Deck Log, National Archives Box 3665 P118-A1

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