Captain Leslie Gehres

Captain Leslie Gehres in his Patrol Wing Four headquarters. Photo US Navy

USS Franklin Research Assistance Needed

Commodore Leslie Gehres, after being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service in Alaska, before commanding the USS Franklin...
Captain Leslie Gehres in his Patrol Wing Four headquarters. Photo US Navy

Was Captain Leslie Gehres, USN, Ill-Treated?

Commodore Leslie Gehres, after being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service in Alaska, before commanding the USS Franklin...
Commodore Leslie Gehres, after eing awarded the Distinguidhed Flying Cross, for his service in Alaska.

USS Franklin Arrives Pearl Harbor 3 April 1945

USS Franklin deck log for 3 April 1945 (National Archives; Box 3665 P118-A1. Author's photo.) Bloody and battered, USS Franklin...

Captain Leslie Gehres—Martinet Or Magnificent?

Commodore Leslie Gehres shown with his Distinguished Flying Cross awarded for his actions in Alaska. US Navy Photo On 19...
USS Franklin In New York Harbor April 1945 80-G-K-4760

Blooded But Unbowed, USS Franklin Arrives In New York

USS FRANKLIN (CV-13) arrives at New York Navy Yard for repair of battle damage, circa 28 April 1945. Photographed looking...