Emerging Technologies

Photo taken below flight deck level showing A Curtiss SB2C-3 "Hell-diver" bomber taking a "wave-off" while attempting to land in March 1945. Landing signal officer's platform is in the foreground

My World War II Knowledge Broadens

One of my intentions in writing a book on the most decorated US Navy crew during World War II is...
Captain Leslie Gehres in his Patrol Wing Four headquarters. Photo US Navy

USS Franklin Research Assistance Needed

Commodore Leslie Gehres, after being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service in Alaska, before commanding the USS Franklin...
Admiral Mitscher's one page endorsement of Task Group 58.2's action report of 4 July 1944. In it, he endorses three of four of the recommendations.

How Action Reports Helped The US Navy Defeat The Japanese

First page of the Task Group 58.2 Action Report covering the attacks on Iwo Jima, Haha Jima, and nearby shipping...
“Grunge Heroes” by Stephen Wolfson for Creative Commons was generated by the Midjourney Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform with the text prompt “a grunge band from the 1990s made up of superheroes.” CC dedicates any rights it holds to the image to the public domain.

Embracing Artificial Intelligence-Three Tips To Survive The (R)evolution

“EU Pixelated” by Creative Commons was cropped from an image generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the DALL-E 2 AI...
Admiral Nimitz arrives at Naval air Station Alameda 9 December 1942

How Logistics Evolved To Help Win WW II In The Central Pacific

One of the topics I want to cover in my book is why USS Franklin, (known as "Big Ben," by...